Blogger Tricks

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


As many of you know, I am homeschooled. I love it. It gives me much more room for flexibility. I even finished a year of work in half the time it should! Most importantly it gives me more time to grow closer to God. I always have a good amount of time in the day to study my Bible and do stuff for convention.

2 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

Great job on this blog.

BMC said...

Hey Addison,

I agree with you on this. I am Home Educated, too. I have so much more time than my friends who attend public school. They tell me they wait for so many things, and there is a lot of wasted time in school, like study halls and waiting to sign out googles for science class. One friend told me he thinks 75% of school is waiting for the class to get settled, or going to the next class. I like it being at home because I spend more time practicing the piano, studying Mandarin, and writing. I have 3 times more recess than at public school. I really need the time to stretch and move around.

I like your blog. Keep writing!
Your friend,

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