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Monday, January 20, 2014

My Leaderette Bulletin Board

      I love the way my bulletin board turned out! We had an ice cream party for all of us to sign up for our Lads to Leaders events. Mrs. Emily came up with the ice cream theme. It was so fun to make it! Here are some pictures of my bulletin board.

3 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Emily said...

Addi, your bulletin board turned out so cute! It makes the hall to the classrooms nice and cheery! Plus it reminds us all what we need to be working on for L/L!

Unknown said...

I wish you would make me a board in my house that shows what I need to be doing.. lol. Great job!

Unknown said...

I wish you would make a board like that for my apartment that tells me what I'm supposed to be doing.. ha. Great job Addi!

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