Blogger Tricks

Monday, April 7, 2014


We have a lot of babies at my church: Sage, Brody and Ella. We are going to have another baby here in the next few weeks! Sage, Brody and Ella are three of my best friends. I love getting them after church and taking them around and playing with them. They have the sweetest smiles ever. Here is a picture of of me holding Sage when she was born last May.

5 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Rachel V said...

How sweet! Sage loves you, Addi!

Karen said...

What a wonderful blog. Keep up the good work with Lads to Leaders.

Anonymous said...

I really like this. You'll have wonderful memories of your work through Lads to Leaders.

Anonymous said...

Great job, young lady. The Church of Christ has a bright future with people like you.

Anonymous said...

What a nice blog promoting Lads to Leaders.

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