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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bible Bowl

I have been studying really hard for this year's Bible Bowl test for Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes. There is a powerpoint that I have been using to study. My favorite verse in Proverbs is from chapter 15 verse 1. We have been studying this verse in the Pearls study. This verse says:  " A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh answer stirs up anger." I like this verse because it reminds us to be nice even though the other person is angry with you. I am really excited about this year's Bible Bowl!

3 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Daddy said...

Keep up the good work, Addi. Proverbs is a tough book.

Shelly said...

My church is studying Proverbs too for Bible Bowl. It's a tough book!

Anna Hudson said...

Our bible bowl test is tomorrow! Nothing like last minute studying :)

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